2/12 Revision Plan, Paper 1

  • What big concerns did you have about your draft as you completed the first draft?
    • I felt like it was very short and I feel like me trying to prove my point was too short and didn’t make sense. I also felt like my growth mindset paragraph really didn’t fit with what I want my main idea to be.
  • What did your peers like most about your paper? Be specific, perhaps by quoting from one (or more) of the comments on your paper. Be sure to credit your peer!
    • Khloe said she liked my attention grabber a lot. Both Khloe and Hunter thought I did good with my Barclays paragraphs since they made the point of my paper clearer for them.  
  • Where are you working best with Dweck? What do your peers think you can do to improve on that section? You might quote from a peer, and give credit.
    • I feel like I am working best with Dweck’s ideas of fixed mindset. My peers believe I could try to explain more about what I think the connection of fixed mindset is towards Lukianoff and Haidt. 
  • Where are you working best with Lukianoff/Haidt? What do your peers think you can do to improve on that section? You might quote from a peer, and give credit.
    • My peers really liked the way that I interpreted their article, but they also think I could say more on why I think Lukianoff and Haidt are overreacting.
  • According to your peers, what are your two biggest challenges in your work with the texts? How do you think you can address those challenges in your revision? If you need quotes or “evidence,” be specific about the text you should bring into a revision. If you need stronger explanations of your Dweck-Lukianoff/Haidt or Dweck-Lukianoff/Haidt relationships, be specific about what you need to explain. (Don’t re-write the paragraphs or sections for this homework. Rather, explain what you need to do.)
    • According to my peers and our writing fellow, I don’t have to write much more and just need a little more explanation of how I’m connecting Dweck and “The Coddling”. I need to write that connection a little better because I haven’t fully explained how my view fits into the connection, which is what the whole paper is about.
  • Using the guidance from your peers, put your overall perspective (viewpoint/argument) into a sentence or two. How will you help your reader “get” your perspective?
    • Using Dweck’s view of fixed mindsets, Lukianoff and Haidt have a fixed mindset towards bettering themselves along with the rest of society. I am going to add another body paragraph solely for the purpose of trying to explain my view of how the fixed mindset connects to Lukianoff and Haidt. I’m going to find another quote from “The Coddling” that I feel really exemplifies where I understood that the authors had a fixed mindset.

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