Poems in Progress!

Pantumns! My own:

I wonder where I’ll go

I’ve always been independent

But I’ve always been very picky

I’ve never been good at deciding things

I’ve always been independent

But I’ve never been extremely social either

I’ve never been good at deciding things

But I’ve always stumbled into good friends

But I’ve never been extremely social either

I’ve always been the quiet kid in the corner

But I’ve always stumbled into good friends

I guess I can be social at times

I’ve always been the quiet kid in the corner

But I’ve always been very picky

I guess I can be social at times

I wonder where I’ll go

Suppose poem:


You’re awakened by a piercing alarm

Yet, someone else puts it to rest

They beckon for your warmth

You oblige, get up, and stretch 

The sunbeam creeping through the blinds

Threatens your eyes as you crawl toward,

Circling and falling into their arms

Hearing a rumble coming from your own chest

They pet your head with gentle strokes

Lightly grazing your nose

As you both drift back to sleep

Free Poem for 10/27:

You’d knock so lightly

Quietly twisting the doorknob

With your eye bright from my nightlight

Peeking in

You’d turn my light on

Tiptoe across the carpet

So mom wouldn’t hear

And you’d sit gently next to my feet

We would whisper

We would laugh

And we could cry

Hugging, advising,

And reassuring each other

I always felt alone

In my thoughts

My sadness

My anger

And then you’d knock

Sharon Olds Bread Poem: My way

There she floats

Atop the clear sea

Waves rushing by

The sun sizzling the water 

on her exposed skin

She floats along

Bobbing up and down 

In bouts of consciousness 

Breathing in the nutrients

Paddling gently to the surface when need be

The sudden winds disrupt her float

She unknowingly is whisked away

Her ears tricking her 

by sounding her mothers’ voice

Jolting up and treading water

She snaps into reality

Frantically paddling her way back to shore

At least she hopes

She hears the waves crash to shore

Tensions easing, muscles relaxing

Seeing her mother on shore

Allows her float to begin again

Donald Hall “New Animals”: My Dream Poem

I’m walking on soft silty path

Just inches away from a stampede

Running in the direction opposite of mine

Yet I continue forward

My feet sinking ever so slightly into the ground

The last animal runs by

Escaping my peripheral vision in seconds

The gust it creates casts me into the sky

Yet I do not scream

I hover, looking fondly on the ground so far below 

Pitch dark

A cold so severe I can feel its sharpness 

Against my skin, my bones

I’m screaming in agony

Bubbles escaping my mouth

They float up in front of my eyes

As I follow their path, there is a spotlight

Feeling the creak of my joints as I flail towards it

Losing more and more bubbles as I go

Sitting up gasping for breath

My fists clenching around the soft sheets

As I orient myself in the darkness

surrounding my bed

Anniversary Poem:

The Kenzi of last year was blind

Blinded by their love

As well as their fear

Believing they still aren’t good enough

Not brave enough to leave

To sit in a house that no longer 

feels like home

Dreaming of setting up their roots elsewhere

But the time has come

The push they need to leave

Has finally arrived.

Free verse w/ rhyming scheme of my invention:

Where will I go

The countryside or the city?

I still don’t know

I wonder where I could’ve landed

But I’m too picky

And I feel stranded

2 Free Poems for 10/3

To Be Percieved 

Am I doing a good job?

Was that interaction believable?

Do they even like me?

Do they even know me?

Do I know me?

Constant performance and worry

Shades my true self

I am unrecognizable


Lost in the thick fog

Searching for a sense of individuality

Between the folds of my brain

While tying everything back 

To someone that is not me

The Love for Craft

Dialing in on the rhythm

Counting the stitches and

how many have gone by

My eyes unfocus

Looking distantly at the work in front of me

My legs go numb,

criss crossed beneath me

My hands grow tighter,

pain running up the arm from my thumbs

Refusing to put the project down

Protesting against taking a break

Mouth dry

Stomach grumbling

Nourished by the satisfaction of creating

Living in a Metaphor IFW #4 pg 102

Life of a Bobber

I found it!

The perfect river

I threw my hook and bobber right into the seam

It was a beautiful cast

But nothing took a bite

Throw after thow

The bobber floats down the river

And I yank it out over my shoulder

Casting once again

Periodically the bobber dips below the surface

Giving false hope that someone struck the line

I even tried my luck in different spots

Up river

Down river

No dice

Maybe that river wasn’t so perfect after all

I’ll try again tomorrow though

Ideas for writing #6 pg 92


There she was, all around me

Every memory she had forgotten

Memories deemed unworthy of using up storage by her brain

But here I stood

Reminiscing over these discarded moments

Her childhood left behind

Her brain abandoning it’s younger self

and I let those memories disappear

They were wonderful,



Showcasing her course of life

But she won’t remember those moments

As her dad walked around with her perched on his shoulders

When mom tended to her, sick with the flu for the 3rd time that year

The day her brother beat her in a game of soccer

but shared his candy to make his little sister feel better

Those moments

The many, 

Truly pure moments of growing up

Were lost to time

With her none the wiser

Picture means a trillion words try #2

Today I visited an old tavern

What a beautifully crafted place

An open, inviting space made purely of wood

With the glass bottles shining rays across the room

While I wander the first floor around the bar

The air is thick but sweet

The smell of old books and lumber

Coupled with the dust kicked up by my exploration

I stood still for a moment

Hearing the muffled words of conversations preserved in time

Faint music from the 20’s

Clanking of bottles against glasses

Glugs of whiskey escaping its cage

A whiff of cigar smoke too

I snap a photo of the bar

Hoping the atmosphere was captured

Poem #2 IFW #3 pg 28


The texture of this shirt makes me gag

I just wore it last week!

But you are definitely not wearing it today

This shows too much of my shoulders,

Relax them, even though the muscle protrudes anyway

My brain feels foggy

It’s too hot in here

I wish this stupid school actually put AC in this room

God please don’t sweat, I’ll smell even worse

I should’ve just taken a shower last night

I need to get a new deodorant, this one fucking sucks

Just breathe, you’re getting overwhelmed

My face looks different

It looks angular, more masculine than yesterday

Let’s wear a masc outfit today then!

But its really hot out, and super humid

I don’t want to wear a sports bra, but nothing else makes them smaller

I wish I never had them

I wish I didn’t look in the mirror

Another day goes by

Sports bra

Black tattered t-shirt

Cargo shorts

And patterned socks

Exercise #1

Fix Me

I adore my friends

Every moment spent with them lifts me higher

But waves of abandonment constantly hammer me into a spiral

They had a great date with their partner

Went to a movie with a friend I’ve never met

While I stay home,


Laying in bed alone

I distance myself

As they neglect to tell me their plans

My chest tightens at the pictures posted

The delightful caption that follows

They’re happy

I’m imploding

Secret stash Ideas for writing #1 pg 28:

Take a second to realize

All the societal expectations shoved down your throat

All day

All night

All around

When deep in your soul

You feel a fundamental difference

That you are broken

The anxiety, the sadness

The fear

Wanting to be one with the whole

Wanting to understand

Becoming a husk of yourself

Coming to the end of each day

Before you drift to sleep wondering,

Why was I made this way?

The expectation to adhere to your assigned gender

To love the “opposite” gender

The need to have sex

To need a partner

When you do not identify with anything
