2/15 HW, 4 Moves

Agree w/ Dweck:

Some students viewed the task as “tragic, catastrophic. From their more fixed mindset perspective, their intelligence had been up for judgment, and they failed” (00:36). I agree with Dweck’s idea that a fixed mindset is seen as your intelligence being tested because that thought process is a very accurate representation of what most likely went through those students’ minds. When reading The Coddling, Lukianoff and Haidt seemed to have a very similar fixed mindset way of thinking about trigger warnings.

Disagree w/ L&H:

L/H explained trigger warnings to be causing a movement of mentally fragile college students which subsequently would turn college campuses into places where all the students are shielded from such triggering words or phrases. I disagree with L/H because the use of trigger warnings should not have affected the fact that schools should be a safe space for students to learn. School is a place where things can be discussed safely, and if someone is not comfortable with a discussion topic the trigger warnings help immensely. 

Agree and Disagree w/ D:

Dweck explains that a growth mindset means that the individuals can understand that their abilities can be developed. I agree with the idea that abilities can be developed, but Dweck does not go into depth on which abilities she is talking about. The problem with not specifying this is that there are so many aspects of a person that can be changed or improved upon, but she doesn’t go into how, why, or which abilities are important to improve.

Agree and Disagree w/ L&H: 

L/H believe that colleges need to extensively prepare their students for encountering triggering words out in the “real world” environment. I agree that students should be knowledgeable of the fact that these triggering words will pop up, but I feel like L/H still don’t understand the reason why trigger warnings showed up in the first place. Students should be mentally prepared to have run-ins with triggering words, but trigger warnings are more common to try and stop the use of such triggering words and phrases. L/H think that colleges are trying to shield their students from such words, but the students are trying to create a change throughout the world so people understand why those words and phrases can be such a problem.

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