3/17 Pt 1

I really didn’t write any sentences that are completely obvious to me as being coordination or subordination.


Original:  Due to this it is reasonable that Ungar does not believe in vocationalism since this way of thinking only strives for students to have practical skills in their major so they can get a job much “faster” and easier than their peers in liberal arts.

Revised: It is reasonable for Ungar to disagree with the idea of vocationalism for the fact that this way of thinking only strives for students to have practical skills in their major.

Exp: I believe this is a compound sentence because it’s made up of 2 independent clauses that I revised to be connected with the word “for.” I also revised it to be shorter and easier to read. Both parts of the sentence are equally important to convey the idea of what Ungar is thinking before I introduce his quote.

Original: UNE recognizes this fact and wishes to give students as much practice to build up these necessary critical thinking, citizenship, and other skills for their professional future.

Revised: UNE recognizes that no subject of study should be completely separated from the other so students are given the opportunity to grow their skills exponentially through the integrated curriculum.

Exp: I believe the new revised sentence is a compound sentence since it now has two clear independent clauses held together by the word “so.” I revised the original because the sentence was very vague and now the new version has more of a purpose in telling the reader what the connection actually is.

Original (not coordination): If you can’t communicate your ideas well/in a way for others to understand them, it will be a way harder time for you to get that high paying job and it will be even harder to maintain your position if you don’t know those skills.

New: The inability to communicate your ideas in an effective way can cause much confusion so learning reading, writing, and speaking skills is very important.

Exp: I chose to revise the original sentence into a coordination sentence because I felt I could have been way more clear with what I was trying to say. It is now a compound sentence because of the two independent clauses joined by the word “so.”


Original: Citizenship can be seen in the UNE curriculum because students are expected to use their critical thinking skills alongside their knowledge from the many courses taken to connect themselves to the world and be able to engage in thoughtful conversations/volunteer work with other individuals around the world.

Revised: Citizenship can be seen in the UNE Core Curriculum because courses integrate the use of critical thinking skills with students’ background knowledge to be used in engaging and thoughtful conversations.

Exp: I believe this is an example of subordination because I used the word “because.” This is a complex sentence because it expands the first independent clause. The 2nd independent clause is the one being emphasized because it gives more context toward the beginning of the sentence and helps explain the connection found in the UNE curriculum.

Original (not subordination): Scheuer builds off of Ungars’ idea of a career education not being enough in the long run by giving a rough definition of what a liberal arts education usually looks and feels like.

Revised: While Ungar explains the shortcomings of a career education, Scheuer gives a rough definition explaining exactly why a typical career education is not enough.

Exp: I chose to revise the original because I felt like I could make it into a subordination sentence. The second half of the sentence is what I want to be emphasized since the sentence after this is introducing a Scheuer quote. 

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