4/26 HW

  1. Read and copy the Learning Outcomes for ENG 110 (right on the syllabus page of the course site!) Open the “Framing ENG 110 Development” Google Doc to help you see the goal. 10 minutes
    1. Demonstrate the ability to approach writing as a recursive process that requires substantial revision of drafts for content, organization, and clarity (global revision), as well as editing and proofreading (local revision).
    2. Be able to integrate their ideas with those of others using summary, paraphrase, quotation, analysis, and synthesis of relevant sources.
    3. Employ techniques of active reading, critical reading, and informal reading response for inquiry, learning, and thinking.
    4. Be able to critique their own and others’ work by emphasizing global revision early in the writing process and local revision later in the process.
    5. Document their work using appropriate conventions (MLA).
    6. Control sentence-level error (grammar, punctuation, spelling).
  2. Choose which of your 3 major papers best demonstrates your ability on Integrating Ideas, Recursive Process, and MLA. You NEED the first draft of that paper (with peer comments) and the final draft of the paper for our work. (Most students select paper 2 or 3, as they can see their growth over the term in those projects.) 20 minutes
    1. Paper 3, The Study of Reparations, the Debate of Almost 3 Decades
    2. First Draft: Kimball, Paper 3, First Draft – Google Docs
    3. Final Draft: Kimball, Paper 3 Final Draft – Google Docs
  3. Revisit your peer review feedback on students’ papers. Take 4-6 screenshots of what you think are really good comments that help a peer make a claim, choose good evidence, explain evidence, and/or reorganize. 20 minutes
    1.  Found at the top of the post^
  4. Write THREE FRAMING STATEMENTS – Outcome I (recursive process), II (revision), and V (MLA). You can put them in a blog post for now. 30-60 minutes.
    1. Learning Outcome 1: Recursive Process
      1. The most change I see between the first and final draft of paper 3 is focusing in on the ideas I present in each paragraph. By this I mean that I revised to try and give the best explanations of evidence that I could and tried my best to connect the evidence in a way that made sense.
    2. Learning Outcome 2: Integrating Ideas
      1. I feel I have done a good job of integrating my ideas/views from the start of the semester since the Lukianoff and Haidt article really pushed me to say what I thought. So, since we started off with such a strongly worded article I feel like that made me more comfortable with inserting myself into the whole paper instead of just a vague idea of what I think.
    3. Learning Outcome 5: MLA
      1. In the beginning of the semester, I had no idea what a signal phrase was. My go-to for “introducing” a quote was to just try and make the non-quote part of the sentence flow with the quote so it would be a functional sentence. I had been doing that for so many years and then signal phrases are that same concept but you can add in different complexities! I really tried my best with signal phrases but I’m not sure I completely get them so I will definitely need more practice.

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