Integrating Ideas

I feel I have done a good job of integrating my ideas/views from the start of the semester since the Lukianoff and Haidt article really pushed me to say what I thought. I have always felt, even in high school, that I am good at summarizing an article just enough to get the point across for the rest of the paper. I also think I have been good at text-text connections since I always try to take one article into account when I am reading another one. I always try to think of how I am going to try and connect the articles as I read them, this is usually where my main idea of a paper comes from and I try to retain that “first formed opinion” type of feel. So, since we started off with such a strongly worded article I feel like that made me more comfortable with inserting myself into the whole paper instead of just a vague idea of what I think. The Lukianoff and Haidt article is I think the first article that really pushed me to completely disagree with someone. This was hard for me because I usually agree in some capacity, but there was really not much I could agree with them on if at all. So I think this really helped me get used to being argumentative “against” something instead of “for” something.
